Improve the tone and texture of your skin.


When you look in the mirror, is your skin as soft, smooth and youthful as you'd like it to be?

With an exciting technique called dermaplaning, you will notice improvement in the tone and texture of your skin right away!


at a Glance

By removing the top layer of dead skin cells and vellous hair, newer, younger skin cells will be revealed. This unique approach stimulates the production of fresh, young skin cells, while helping your skin to breathe easier. Active ingredients in the skin care products can penetrate deeper, resulting in healthier skin.

Treatments are gentle and take very little time, ideal for your busy lifestyle. With no downtime, you'll return to your favorite activities right away. You'll enjoy the confidence that comes with having healthy, younger looking skin.

When you look in the mirror, is you skin as soft, smooth and youthful as you'd like it to be?

With an exciting technique called dermaplaning, you will notice improvement in the tone and texture of your skin right away!

Q & A

  • Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation that utilizes a specialized instrument designed to scrape away accumulated dead skin cells and vellous hair. It is a comfortable, relaxing procedure that can be combined with other services to improve the efficiency.

  • Dermaplaning is ideal for women of all skin types and colors in their 30's and beyond, who are in good overall health and interested in improving the health and appearance of their skin.

  • Brighter, softer skin that glows with renewed health. You'll also notice a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, hyperpigmentation and acne scars.

  • Results are immediate. That is one of the great things about dermaplaning. No downtime and no waiting to look your best. This is the perfect treatment for an important social event!

  • Dermaplaning treatments can be as short as 30 minutes or can be part of a 60 or 75 minute facial treatment that incorporates enzymes, extractions, masks, infusions, and/or chemical peels. Your aesthetician will help you determine the right combination for your skin.

  • You'll love the way your skin looks and feels from the very first treatment. We recommend coming in every 4 weeks to maintain results and continue to see improvement.

  • Immediate improvement in skin tone, texture and appearance

    Removal of dead skin cells and vellous hair (peach fuzz)

    Makeup glides on easily so less needed to look your best

    Great for all skin types and colors

    Will not aggravate telangiectasia (broken capillaries)

    Unlike waxing, can be performed on clients using Retinols

    Minimal risk of post-procedure breakouts

    There is no downtime.