Pigment changes and darkening reversed.

Skin Brightening

Dark skin areas brightened.

By working in combination with gentle exfoliating pigment inhibiting and skin whitening our formula produces excellent results in most users of all skin types.

Skin Brightening

at a Glance

To achieve lasting lightning you cannot just whiten or bleach the top layer of skin or it will eventually slot off and expose the layers of darker skin below. To solve this problem the formula uses a combination of methods to produce the most effective long-term results. Here is how. First we gently exfoliate the skin to prepare it. We then deliver a blend of natural skin deep pigmentation and whitening agents to deep in the layers of the skin. These gently lighten the skin on top and reduce the activity of the enzyme responsible for skin darkening in the lower layers of the skin. Our products do not contain any harsh chemicals that can cause irritation or harmful side effects.

Lastly soothing agents provide a gentle moisture treatment to product. As newer skin comes to the surface you will see a lighter skin tone that will blend with your natural tone. 

Q & A

  • With proper use most people will see results in 3 to 5 treatments however each individual is different and the length of time for results will vary.

  • Our products are safe to use before or after waxing. However many other commercial available skin lightening products are not suitable for sensitive areas especially after hair removal most skin lightening products contain harsh chemicals and only bleach the top layer of skin.

  • Of course the answer is no. Discoloration of the anal area is quite common. There are many reasons why this occurs. However, dark discoloration of the anus tends to be a result of hormonal changes that may arise after pregnancy or simply with aging. Removing the hair on these areas makes it more noticeable. The treatment is popular with both men and women.